Monday 24 September 2012

Lesson 4 Pen tool practice

Select Pen tool.
Follow points starting from A.
Click on A drag down to red dot.
Click on B drag up to red dot.
Hold Click and hold Alt.
Drag to orange dot and release.

To edit path lines select Direction Selection Tool (white crusor).

Monday 10 September 2012

Class work on 6/9/12

  For today's Typography class, we were required to create a typeface using our name or initials based on our personality. Above is my creation.

  L is the initial for my surname (Leong). I have made it cursive because cursive writing focuses more on connections between letters. In relation to my case, connections between me ad my family and ancestors. We have our own family culture and traditions that we practice. I have colored it with a dark pink/red color. I feel that this color represents confidence as I'm proud to be part of this family. This is also the reason why I have made the letter L larger than the letters X &R.

  X & R are the initials of my given name. X is the initial for Xiao. In mandarin it means dawn or early morning. I have shown this by colors representing the sunrise atmosphere using colors yellow, orange, red and light blue. I have used this solid firm font to represent determination and the design in it represents the modern society. I com from a generation where technology is used almost everyday of our life.

  R is the initial for Rui.In mandarin it means flower bud. I have decorated the letter R with the Morning Glory Flower. The patterns along the left of the R represents the creeping stems of the morning glory. The little plant on the top is the morning glory creeping up/ growing up towards the light (success). The morning glory needs a support to survive, like me, I still depend on my parents as they pay for my study fees and my everyday needs.

  The Chinese characters on the right is my name. It shoes the connection between my initials and the meaning of my name.